PCPP2™ – Certified Professional Python Programming Level 2

(Exam PCPP-32-20x)

PCPP2™ – Certified Professional Python Programming Level 2 certification is the second of the two-series General-Purpose Programming track professional credentials from the OpenEDG Python Institute addressed to experienced developers, IT specialists, engineers, software and system architects, and working professionals looking to obtain an industry credential that documents their skills and expertise in the advanced and highly specialized areas of computer programming, Python, and related technologies.

The PCPP2™ certification shows that the individual demonstrates proficiency in implementing design patterns in Python, using the industry standard mechanisms for networking and interprocess communication, working with some of the more advanced selected Python standard and non-standard library modules, creating, accessing, and processing SQL and NoSQL databases using Python, as well as using frameworks for writing and executing unit and functional tests.

PCPP2™ – Certified Professional Python Programming Level 2 certification (Exam PCPP-32-20x) is a professional credential that measures the candidate's ability to design, develop, debug, refactor, implement, and maintain high-quality multi-module systems, tools, and frameworks with the use of Python Standard and non-Standard Library components and related technologies. The PCPP2™ certification is aimed at experienced Python programmers who are proficient in the use of software architecture principles and techniques, software design patterns, working with SQL and NoSQL databases, using multithreading and multiprocessing programming techniques, and using the more advanced elements of the Python network programming domain.

The PCPP2™ certification shows that the individual is familiar with the following concepts: testing principles and techniques (unittest and pytest frameworks), design patterns (OOP design principles, the Singleton, Factory, Facade, Proxy, Observer, Command, Template Method, and State Design patterns), interprocess communication (multiprocessing, threading, subprocess management, multiprocess synchronization), network programming (Python socket module and socket programming, automating complex network configurations, software-defined networking, network security), Python-SQL and Python-NoSQL database access (relational and non-relational databases, CRUD, object-relational mapping: ORM), and the principles of clean code design, and maintenance and optimization of software products.

Becoming PCPP2™ certified ensures that the individual demonstrates a high-level of expertise in advanced Python programming concepts, extensive experience in the entire lifecycle of the software design and development processes, strong analytical and design skills, as well as comprehensive proficiency in multi-process architecture, design patterns, and tools that allow them to work on small-, medium-, and large-scale multi-module Python projects across multiple industry sectors.

PCPP2™ certification is a professional high-stakes credential, and the highest level of the Python Institute certification within the General-Purpose Programming path. Becoming PCPP2™ certified shows that the certification holder possesses a deep expert level technical knowledge of Python and related technologies, working experience in design, development, testing, automation, refactoring, and maintenance of multi-module systems, tools, and applications; strong problem-solving skills, and ability to learn and implement new concepts, frameworks, and technologies in commercial and non-commercial projects. Becoming PCPP2™ certified validates that the individual demonstrates the right combination of skills, knowledge, and experience to pursue programming careers at middle, senior, and consultant levels.

Become PCPP2™ certified to upgrade your skills, advance your career, and boost your salary!

Python is the programming language that opens more doors than any other, and the more you understand Python, the more you can do in the 21st Century. With a solid knowledge of Python, you can work in a multitude of jobs and a multitude of industries.

PCPP2™ certification will be particularly valuable for:

  • learners looking to boost their skills and knowledge for a middle-level and senior-level role as a software architect, system engineer, software developer, network engineer, data engineer, or QA engineer;
  • industry professionals wishing to further explore technologies that are connected with Python, or that utilize it as a foundation;
  • team leaders and software development professionals who want gain an in-depth understanding of the more advanced programming concepts and processes utilized in the software development cycle to effectively manage and communicate with production, QA, and development teams.

Python is either the highest-paid, or one of the highest-paid languages in all parts of the world today, and the salaries range between $90,000 and $130,000 a year (source: SalaryExpert.com).

With the ever-increasing reliance on the Internet, and with Python playing an ever-growing role, the salary of the average Python programmer is almost surely to rise.

Currently, there are 100,000+ unfulfilled Python jobs around the world, and the supply of qualified Python programmers is unable to match the demand.

PCPP2™: Exam Information

Exam name PCPP2™ – Certified Professional Python Programming Level 2
Exam Code & Current Exam Versions PCPP-32-201 (Status: Not Published, Early Beta | work in progress)
Pre-requisites PCAP – Certified Associate Python Programmer (Exam PCAP-31-0x)
PCPP1 – Certified Professional Python Programmer Level 1 (Exam PCPP1-32-10x)
Validity Lifetime
Exam Duration Exam: 65 minutes, NDA/Tutorial: 10 minutes
Number of Questions 45
Format Single- and multiple-select questions | Python 3.x
Passing Score 70%
Languages English

USD 295 (Exam)

Delivery Channel Pearson VUE: Authorized Pearson VUE Testing Centers + OnVUE Online Proctoring from Pearson VUE
Testing Policies TBA
Exam Syllabus TBA
Associated Certifications PCEP – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (Exam PCEP-30-0x)
PCAP – Certified Associate Python Programmer (Exam PCAP-31-0x)
PCPP1 – Certified Professional Python Programmer Level 1 (Exam PCPP1-32-10x)
Courses Aligned TBA