PCAT™ – Certified Associate Tester with Python

(Exam PCAT-31-0x)

PCAT™ – Certified Associate Tester with Python certification is a Python Institute's Testing specialization track credential that covers the most important elements of automated testing activities from the perspective of a Python programmer. The exam covers the principles of software testing, the fundamentals of unit testing, the principles of software engineering, software decomposition, and the Test-Driven and Behavior-Driven Development (TDD, BDD) approaches to programming.

PCAT certification gives its holders confidence in their software testing and programming skills, helps them stand out in the job market, and gives them a head start on preparing for and advancing to the professional level.

PCAT™ – Certified Associate Tester with Python certification (Exam PCAT-31-0x) is a professional, high-stakes credential that measures the candidate's proficiency in software testing and engineering using a range of Python tools, including the ability to design, develop, and refactor multi-module computer programs in accordance with the Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) programming approaches, as well as the most important testing-coding conventions, best practices, and recognized software engineering and software testing principles such as DRY, KISS, and F.I.R.S.T.

The PCAT™ certification shows that the individual is able to: explain the importance of software testing and the differences between different types of software testing, explain the most important software testing terms and definitions, understands the concept of the test pyramid, employ test automation and perform code refactoring, use assertions, context managers, and decorators, design and execute unit tests and analyze their results to implement quality code modifications and built-ins, organize unit tests into modules, create code following the TDD approach principles, and explain and employ the fundamental concepts of the BDD approach.
PCAT badge

Becoming PCAT™ certified ensures that the individual has comprehensive knowledge of software testing and software enginnering concepts, methodologies, and best practices, as well as they are fully acquainted with all the primary means provided by Python 3, related testing frameworks and test automation tools, to develop high-quality code and perform automated testing activities to enable them to start their own studies at an advanced level, and to open a path to the software tester's career.

PCAT™ certification is an interim step to the PCPT1 (Unite Testing), PCPT2 (Test Automation), and PCPT3 (Security) certifications, a great motivator for self-improvement and self-development, and most importantly – the means to keep one's Python testing skills up to date and demonstrate them to others. Becoming PCAT™ certified reflects the candidate's interest in developing a specialized proficiency in using Python for the purposes of software testing, Test-Driven Development and Behavior-Driven Development programming approaches, as well as their ability to use them for commercial and non-commercial software development projects, and create, develop, and improve their own programming portfolio to increase their value in the job market.

Become PCAT™ certified and take your career to the next level

Python is the programming language that opens more doors than any other, and the more you understand Python and related technologies, the more you can do in the 21st Century. With a solid knowledge of Python, you can work in a multitude of jobs and a multitude of industries.

PCAT™ certification is a valuable credential for individuals looking to acquire the skills and knowledge essential to continue to more advanced, more specialized, and higher paying Software Development, Software Testing, Quality Assurance, Security, Networking, IoT, and engineering roles. It will particularly appeal to:

  • aspiring programmers, software testing beginners, and learners interested in learning the basics of Python testing for for fun and job-related tasks
  • learners looking to gain fundamental skills and knowledge for an entry-level job role as a software developer, software tester, QA engineer, and test engineer
  • software testing and test engineering industry professionals who know other programming language(s) and tools, wishing to explore technologies connected with Python, or to utilize it as a foundation for software testing purposes
  • aspiring programmers, learners, and industry professionals looking to acquire essential skills in Python and software testing for further self-development in the areas of software development, software testing and test automation, security, software engineering, software architecture, and quality assurance.
  • team leaders, product managers, project managers, and product owners who want to understand the terminology and processes in software testing to more effectively manage and communicate with software development and software testing teams.

Python is either the highest-paid, or one of the highest-paid languages in all parts of the world today, and the salaries range between $90,000 and $130,000 a year (source: SalaryExpert.com).

With the ever-increasing reliance on the Internet, and with Python playing an ever-growing role, the salary of the average Python programmer is almost surely to rise.

Currently, there are 100,000+ unfulfilled Python jobs around the world, and the supply of qualified Python programmers is unable to match the demand.

PCAT™: Exam Information

Exam name PCAT™ – Certified Associate Tester with Python
Exam Code & Current Exam Versions PCAT-31-0x
Pre-requisites Formal: None
Experience: PCEP & PCAP (or equivalent) + field-specific skills
Validity 5 years (unless retaken)
Exam Duration Exam: 60 minutes + NDA
Number of Questions 42
Format Single- and multiple-select questions | Python 3.x
Passing Score 70%
Languages English

USD 295 (Exam)
USD 319 (Exam + Practice Test)
USD 49 (Practice Test)

Delivery Channel OpenEDG Testing Service (TestNow™)
Testing Policies PCAT Testing Policies
Exam Syllabus PCAT Exam Syllabus
Associated Certifications PCET – Certified Entry-Level Tester with Python (Exam PCET-30-0x)
PCPT – Certified Professional Tester with Python (Exam PCPP-32-0x)
Courses Aligned Python for Testing 101 (PT101) (Free – Edube Interactive™, an OpenEDG Education Platform)